Transformative Onsite Retreats and Workshops

Creating Connections that last

Embark on a journey of growth, connection, and transformation with our unique onsite retreats and workshops.

Set against the serene backdrop of nature, our programs are designed to forge unbreakable bonds, ignite untapped potential, and redefine the boundaries of traditional team building and personal development.

Connections that matter changes that last

Nestled away from the distractions of everyday hustle and bustle, just outside of Iowa City, this is where groundbreaking ideas meet lasting change.

Set in a serene, picturesque location, our retreat offers more than just a meeting space. From a farmhouse commercial kitchen to a fairytale treehouse, and baby goats- every aspect is designed to enhance connection, inspiration, and creative breakthrough. Engage in thought-provoking sessions in our presentation room, or bond with your team through fun activities amidst nature’s backdrop.

The stoic edge difference

Grounded in Stoic philosophy and cutting-edge leadership principles, these retreats embrace the pursuit of wisdom, courage, and inner harmony. I believe in leadership as a lifestyle, not a title, and the activities reflect this, designed to challenge, enlighten, and inspire lasting change.

No one size fits all. tailored retreats to fit your needs.

Recognizing that each group is unique, I customize the retreats and workshops to address specific objectives, challenges, and dynamics. From focused leadership development to fostering resilient team bonds, each experience is crafted to deliver profound, lasting impact.

tailored retreats to fit your needs.

Say goodbye to ‘one-size-fits-all’ workshops. Here, we delve into your team’s dynamics, challenges, and objectives to craft sessions that hit home. Whether it’s through culinary challenges in the kitchen, strategic games in the great outdoors, time at the archery range, or reflective group discussions, each activity is chosen for its transformative impact.

The activities aren’t just memorable; they’re pillars for building trust, communication, and leadership within your team. Here, learning and play go hand in hand, ensuring lessons learned are not easily forgotten.

It doesn't end here

Our retreats are just the beginning. Teams leave with fortified bonds, renewed energy, and actionable strategies that manifest in enhanced workplace harmony, increased productivity, and innovative problem-solving back in their daily environments.

The Stoic Edge

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