Leadership is a lifestyle not a job title

Why This Book Matters

This book is not just a personal mission; it’s a universal guide for anyone who feels trapped in the mundane routine of life. It speaks to those who fear that time is slipping away without meaningful achievements, and it offers a way out. By sharing my own struggles with bulimia and the fear of wasting time, I aim to connect deeply with readers who face their own challenges. This book is for:

  • Individuals Seeking Purpose: Those who want to live intentionally and find deeper meaning in their daily actions.
  • Leaders and Aspiring Leaders: Professionals- from corporate to athletes and everyone in between, looking to lead with integrity, agility, and resilience.
  • Anyone Facing Adversity: People who need encouragement and practical tools to turn their setbacks into strengths.
  • Readers of Stoic Philosophy: Those who appreciate timeless wisdom and want to apply it to modern life.
  • For Organizations: Equip your team with the SAFE leadership framework and the STOA process for strategic planning and debriefing. Empower leaders to create a culture of integrity, agility, and resilience. Inspire your workforce to achieve their full potential through intentional living and leadership. Booking Becky as a speaker brings these transformative insights to your next conference or corporate event, ensuring lasting impact and motivation


"It is not that we are given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it."

Stoic Wisdom

 Many have misconceptions about Stoicism, thinking it’s about suppressing emotions or being indifferent. In reality, Stoicism is about embracing life’s challenges with wisdom, courage, and understanding what is in your control and what is not. As I tell audiences, “I have emotions, my emotions don’t have me.”  

This book is built upon Stoic wisdom and demystifies its principles, showing how they can empower you to live fully and lead with purpose. Whether you’re new to Stoicism or well-versed in its teachings, you’ll find valuable insights that resonate deeply and inspire action


Meet the Author

Becky Schmooke (pronounced “Smoke”) is the founder of Stoic Edge Consulting and Becky’s Mindful Kitchen, focusing on action-based mindfulness and leadership training for organizations and individuals ready to do things differently.

With humor and vulnerability, Becky uses storytelling to blend Stoic philosophy and modern science, empowering her audience with not only new tools but the skills to use them. She transforms obstacles into opportunities and puts mindfulness into action.

Becky’s speaking approach leaves the audience curious and confident to test what they’ve learned, avoiding the fleeting motivation that ends when real life resumes.

With over 10 years of public speaking and teaching, Becky connects deeply with her audience. She has worked with teams in healthcare, corporate sectors, first responders, and the NFL, and provides free mental health and leadership workshops for teens, bringing her Stoic Edge Leadership Programs to audiences nationwide.

Becky lives her philosophy of living and leadership with her truly unique onsite location for team-building and leadership retreats, private parties, classes, and weekly summer camps for kids.  It includes a commercial teaching kitchen, fairy tale treehouse, archery range, survival and first aid training, wood-fired pizza oven, chickens, baby goats, and a timber adventure playground. 

As a mom to three girls, 50 chickens, 10 goats, and 2 dogs, and as a wife to a firefighter, Becky’s life is never boring, providing endless stories shared with a candid familiarity that makes those listening feel like they are hanging out with an old friend. Her stage presence puts the audience at ease while keeping them engaged and curious about what’s next.

In all she does, Becky aims to build compassion and confidence in others, viewing leadership as a lifestyle, not a job title, to help them take action to live their best life, not just pass time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

The book should hit the printers end of February and then arrive on my doorstep the first week of March. If you choose to do a pick up instead of having me ship it to you, I will be contacting you with pick up date options! 

You betcha! The digital copy of the book will be out before the printed version so those who get a copy of that will have the chance to read it and then help my Amazon sales by leaving a review on Amazon right when it becomes available to order there, around the first week of March. Those sales will be really important as far as getting on the ‘best seller’ lists which is how the book will get visibility. 

The audio version will be available a few months after the printed version as I need to wait to record it until after the final copy has been sent to the publishers. Those who purchase anything in this presale window will be alerted when the audio version becomes available. 

Absolutely. Once the book has been sent to the printer, I will be able to upload the book file on Amazon.

For established authors, doing presales on Amazon is how they end up immediately on best seller lists the moment their book is launched. But you can’t presell on Amazon unless your book is completely done. This presell is able to be done while my book is still being edited and revised. 

Yup! For those local to the Iowa City area, there is an option for a package that includes a ticket to the onsite party. Those are limited due to space but if there are other local bookstores (both local to me and to you) who would like to host an event, let me know! 

I plan on creating a book tour based on locations where the most number of books are sold and where there are organizations that want to host a stop. If your company/organization is interested in sponsoring a stop on the tour, contact me below!  

I will be updating on the book tour stops both on social media and in the emails you receive by being part of the launch community. 

Stoic Edge provides customized leadership consulting and executive leadership coaching to those who are driven be elite at all that they do. I have realized that many organizations say they want leadership training but in reality it is just a ‘check the box’ item for them. If that is the case, I’m not the right fit for you. From professional athletes to corporate executives, I work with those who are ready to do the hard work of being a leader because they understand that is how you live a life truly lived. 

Learn all about Stoic Edge Consulting and how I can be of help to your organization and team at beckyschmooke.com.

Why Presales? Because it takes more than just a tiny baby goat as a writing partner to publish a book….

To bring this book to life, I’m partnering with a hybrid publisher. This approach combines the best of traditional and self-publishing, ensuring professional quality while retaining creative control. Presales are essential to fund various aspects of the publishing process, including:

  • Editing: 6 weeks of structural editing and 16 weeks of intense revision editing.  Ensuring the book is polished and professionally refined.
  • Cover Design: Creating a compelling and visually appealing cover.
  • Printing: Producing high-quality physical copies.
  • Distribution: Making the book available across multiple platforms.
  • Audio Book
  • Marketing: Promoting the book to reach a wider audience.

Your support through presales not only helps cover these costs but also brings this project to fruition, allowing the book to impact as many lives as possible.

Other Ways You Can Support Me

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:

  • Please share my pre-sale campaign on social media and in conversation with your friends, family, and network.
  • Please recommend my book to five (5) friends, family members, or co-workers who you think would enjoy it via text or direct message on social media.
  • Want to buy a copy but can’t afford the cost of the presale packages? Select “Contact for Future Purchase” under the order form and I will let you know when it is available on Amazon in March of 2025. Amazon purchases and reviews will play an important role in helping the book hit the Best Seller Lists. 

Thank you, truly, for your support. This book has become so much bigger than I ever could have expected in the impact it has had in my own life and I am grateful for your help in making it possible to do the same in the lives of others. 

I love interacting with all of you on social media too, your comments and messages mean a lot to me. The links to follow me are below if you want daily stories on leadership, mindfulness, kindness and videos of baby goats! I know most of us have mixed feelings about social media but it is an essential part of book marketing now as having an engaged community online will help me get onto podcasts and other media platforms for this book. So, once more, with truly an open heart, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to inspire me to keep moving forward even on the hardest of days. Please share this page with others and never hesitate to reach out! 


Learn more about Stoic Edge Consulting HERE

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Shipping Address
Currently I am only able to ship within the United States, I will be adding international shipping soon. Or contact me to order the ebook only to save on international shipping headaches.

Product Details

Payment Details

Let me know if you want to pick up the book in person, ship to another address or if there is anything else I need to know. Remember to email me to schedule local packages- [email protected] or use the contact form on my website or preorder page.
Book will be sent to the printer end of February and arrive to be signed by Becky in early March. However, things may change due to things outside of Becky's control. Any changes will be communicated to you via email. Email me at [email protected] to schedule a local package visit/party. If you don't hear from me within 48 hours feel free to text me at (319) 325-3464.
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